Saturday, April 2, 2011

Grandma's Pancakes Helping Out

April is Autism Awareness Month. For my friend Sarah this is a very important month, as Autism is a daily reality for her amazing son Prestyn who is 3. Sarah and her family have struggled and sacrificed and done everything imaginable to help their son.... including, sending him to Shining Stars Pre-School for Autistic children, which has made a HUGE difference developmentally in this little mans life. To try and show my support, I promised Sarah that during the month of April, 25% of every Grandma's Pancakes sold will be donated to Shining Stars Pre-School. Want to help but don't think you can because you dont have a Kindle? Dont worry- check out my "HOW TO" post on this blog for instructions on how to get your copy onto a phone, computer, ipad etc. Shining Stars teachers, parents, students, Sarah and myself thank you for your generosity and help!